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--> デママニアのコレクション/BEYOND SCIENCE (Revised)長崎屋源右衛門末裔出版三省堂書店オンデマンド


TOP > BEYOND SCIENCE (Revised)長崎屋源右衛門末裔出版三省堂書店オンデマンド

BEYOND SCIENCE (Revised)長崎屋源右衛門末裔出版三省堂書店オンデマンド

著者:Kozo Itano頁数:159ページ◆内容概略This book is an essay how the author thinks about the framework of this world from several viewpoints. Starting from the dissipation theory and self organization,it refers to the development of life, the evolution, artificial intelligence and neural networks.It also refers to the fundamental problem whether the mind is produced from the activity of the brain. Through all these, the author insists the world does not appear incidentally.
